Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 9, 2023

The Importance of Legal Translation Services in Vietnam

BY Tuan Nguyen IN No comments

The Importance of Legal Translation Services in Vietnam

In an undeniably globalized world, viable correspondence across language boundaries is essential, especially in legitimate issues. Legitimate interpretation administrations in Vietnam assume an essential part in crossing over language barriers and guaranteeing precise comprehension and translation of lawful messages and records.

Ensuring Accuracy and Precision of Translation Services in Vietnam

Legal translation is a profoundly specific field that requests mastery in both legitimate ideas and language proficiency. The complicated idea of overall sets of laws, phrasings, and designs expects interpreters to have thorough information on the source and target dialects, as well as profound experience with the legal systems involved.

In Vietnam, where official procedures and documentation are directed in Vietnamese, the requirement for exact interpretation emerges while managing worldwide exchanges, contracts, protected innovation freedoms, and other lawful issues including unfamiliar elements. Failure to effectively translate legal documents can prompt misconceptions, legal disputes, and compromised arrangements, possibly bringing in financial loss or damage to reputation.

Accuracy is vital in lawful interpretation, as even a minor blunder or exclusion can have huge results. Legitimate experts depend on exact and dedicated interpretations to accurately appreciate and decipher authoritative reports. By using proficient legal translation services in Vietnam, clients benefit from interpreters who have phonetic abilities as well as particular lawful information. These interpreters comprehend the intricacies of lawful wordings, guaranteeing that each term and idea is precisely deciphered, saving the expected importance and legitimate ramifications of the original document.

Besides, proficient lawful interpreters follow a thorough quality control process, including editing, altering, and checking, to ensure the precision and consistency of the translated text. This attention to detail guarantees that clients can believe the interpreted reports for lawful purposes, staying away from potential legal traps brought about by wrong interpretations.

Language is profoundly interwoven with culture, and legitimate interpretation should consider social subtleties to pass on the expected message precisely. With regards to Vietnam, a country with its own special social and lawful qualities, proficient legitimate interpreters have a nuanced comprehension of the local legal system This commonality permits them to precisely interpret lawful ideas and adjust the language to line up with social standards and legitimate practices.

In the legal field, time is frequently of the essence. Proficient legitimate interpretation administrations in Vietnam focus on convenient conveyance without compromising exactness. Interpreters stick to settled cutoff times, empowering clients to continue with official procedures, agreements, or exchanges without pointless deferrals. Furthermore, legitimate interpretation specialist organizations maintain severe secrecy norms. Secrecy arrangements and secure information taking care of conventions are executed to safeguard clients' data, guaranteeing that lawful interpretations are dealt with the greatest possible level of amazing skill and privacy.

In conclusion, in the present globalized legal scene, precise correspondence is basic for fruitful legitimate results for financial backers and money managers carrying on doing business in Vietnam. The utilization of expert legal translation services in Vietnam ensures precision, keeps up with the trustworthiness of legitimate correspondences, and improves the general viability of legitimate cycles in Vietnam's assorted and dynamic legal environment. 

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 8, 2023

Company formation in Vietnam- How to proceed?

BY Tuan Nguyen IN , No comments

Company Formation in Vietnam?

Foreign investors may put resources into the type of 100 % funding to set up company  in Vietnam, being joint stock company, limited liability company, partnership company. In recent years, the openness policy of the Vietnamese government has made company formation in Vietnam easier.

Vietnam company formation

To receive investment registration certificates, first-time foreign investors in Vietnam must have investment projects and complete investment registration or examination procedures at state investment agencies.

Business registration certificates shall concurrently be investment certificates. Company with 100% foreign capital has established and operated from the date of issuance of the business registration certificates

Vietnam company formation dossiers

-Registration/Request for issuance of Investment Certificate;

-A report on financial capability of the investor;

-Draft of the company’s charter;

-List of members of company;

-Copy of the people’s identity card, passport or other lawful personal certification, for individual members;

-Copy of the business registration certificate or establishment decision, or other equivalent document, for member organizations;

-Copies of the people’s identity card, passport, the authorization document, or other lawful personal certification, for authorized representatives.

-Within three months of the date of submission of the business registration dossier, copies of the foreign member organizations' business registration certificates must be authenticated by the organizations' registered agencies;

-Written authorization of the investor in case investor is organization and valid copy of  the legitimate individual affirmation of the approved delegate. Documents in foreign languages must be converted into Vietnamese, authenticated and legalized;

-The Business Cooperation Contract (BCC) or the joint-venture contract

-Other documents required by Vietnam law

Vietnam company formation would take anywhere from 30 days. If the investment area is conditional or the State government must examine the investment project, additional time may be required.

Special licenses, minimum capital or other conditions might be required in certain investment projects.

How a law firm in Vietnam would help with company formation in Vietnam?

While the process of company formation in Vietnam is straight forward more often than not, there are numerous circumstances which it would be better that the client draws in a law firm in Vietnam to help with record planning, legitimate interpretation, legally approbation, and verification of utilization dossiers. 

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 7, 2023

Forms of Setting up company in Vietnam

BY Tuan Nguyen IN , , No comments

Forms of Setting up company in Vietnam

According the Vietnam Law on Enterprises, there are four common types of companies:

-Private enterprise


-Joint stock company

-Limited liability company

Forms of Setting up company in Vietnam

-Private enterprise is a business run by a single person who is responsible for all of its operations and owns all of its assets;

-Partnership is an organization in which (i) at least two partners co-own the business and operate jointly under a single name; There may be limited partners in addition to general partners; ii) A partnership's general partners must be individuals who are fully responsible for the partnership's obligations with their entire property: iii) Limited partners are only responsible for the partnership's debts up to the amount of their capital contribution;

-Joint stock company is an enterprise where i) Its contract capital is partitioned into equivalent bits known as shares; ( ii) Shareholders may be individuals or organizations; the base number of investors will be three and will not be confined to a specific most extreme number; ( iii) Its shareholders are only responsible for the debts and other property obligations of the company up to the value of their capital contribution; ( iv) Shareholders will be free to transfer their shares in accordance with the law;

-Limited liability company (also known as a single-member or multi-member limited liability company). A one-member limited liability company is an enterprise which is owned by one organization or individual (hereinafter referred to as the company owner); Within the company's charter capital, the owner is responsible for the company's debts and other property obligations. A business is a limited liability company if: i) Members may be individuals or organizations; The number of members in total cannot be more than fifty; ( ii) Individuals are answerable for obligations and other property liabilities of the undertaking inside how much capital that they have resolved to add to the endeavor; ( iii) The members' capital shares can only be transferred in accordance with the law.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000 on Financial and Corporate practice. The firm provides a wide range of legal services, including M&A, corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory, dispute resolution for multinational and domestic clients. 

Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 7, 2023

How to start a business in Vietnam as a foreign investor?

BY Tuan Nguyen IN , No comments

 How to start a business in Vietnam as a foreign investor?

Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia, with a young and dynamic population, a favorable business environment, and a strategic location. Additionally, Vietnam's government has been increasingly enacting more preferential policies to facilitate foreign investors' entry into the country to do business in Vietnam. If you are interested in starting a business in Vietnam, here are some steps you need to follow:

How to start a business in Vietnam as a foreign investor

Step 1: Choose a business entity type

There are different types of business entities in Vietnam, such as limited liability company joint-stock company partnership, branch office, representative office, etc. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your business goals, capital, and legal requirements. You should consult a local law firm in Vietnam to help you decide which entity type suits your needs best.

Step 2: Register your business in Vietnam

After chosing your business entity type, you need to register your business with the relevant authorities in Vietnam. This involves submitting various documents, such as: business name, address, charter capital, shareholders, directors, tax code, etc. Depending on the type and scope of your business, you may also need to obtain additional licenses or permits from other agencies, such as the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, etc.

Step 3: Open a bank account in Vietnam

You need to open company’s bank account after registering your business. You will need to provide your business registration certificate, tax code certificate, and other documents to the bank. You can choose from various local or foreign banks operating in Vietnam, depending on your preferences and needs.

Step 4: Hire staff and set up your office in Vietnam

The next step is to hire staff and set up your office in Vietnam. You will need to comply with the labor laws and regulations in Vietnam, such as: minimum wage, social insurance, health insurance, working hours, etc. You will also need to find a suitable location for your office and equip it with the necessary facilities and equipment.

Step 5: Start your operations and marketing

You will need to develop a business plan and strategy that suits the local market and culture in Vietnam. You will also need to build relationships with customers, suppliers, partners, and authorities in Vietnam. You can use various channels and methods to promote your products or services, such as: social media,online platforms, events, etc.

Starting a business in Vietnam can be challenging but rewarding. By following these steps and seeking professional advice from the law firm in Vietnam when needed, you can successfully establish and grow your business in Vietnam.

ANT Lawyers is the reliable law firm in Vietnam that will always contact the authorities to obtain legal updates on issues pertaining to do business in Vietnam.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 7, 2023

Setting up Company in Vietnam and Comply

BY Tuan Nguyen IN , , No comments

 Setting up Company in Vietnam and Comply: Quick Tips for Foreigners

A foreigner moving to a country like Vietnam with business opportunities is attempting to start a business and seize the opportunity. After settling in, the entrepreneur might wonder, "How difficult it is to set up company in Vietnam or how challenging the business environment in Vietnam is for operating and doing business when dealing with administrative procedures from registering investment, setting up the company, complying with periodic reporting and tax declarations?"

As a spot with an ideal topographical position and copious work assets, and developing purchaser market, Vietnam is progressively growing emphatically, turning into a nation drawing in worldwide venture among Southeast Asia nations. Foreign investors must conduct research on Vietnam's policies, investment incentives, legal requirements, and the process and procedures for establishing a business in order to carry out effective investment activities. If international investors are considering investing in Vietnam, this will provide some quick advice on the fundamental factors they should take into account.

An individual or an organization established under foreign law could register investments and conduct business activities in Vietnam. Foreign investors are permitted to participate in any legal business, but in order to register an investment, they must meet certain industry requirements. There are a few areas in Vietnam where foreign investors cannot do business due to national security concerns or the state's monopoly.

An investor who wants to start a business in Vietnam must get a certificate of investment registration from an authorization agency, according to Vietnam law. The Investment Registration Certificate (IRC) will typically be issued within 15 days of receiving a valid dossier for an investment project. Be that as it may, it means a lot to work in the ideal opportunity for setting up the legitimate records for example application, monetary report, bank balance, individual archives and large numbers of such records require apostille, or authentication and legitimization and interpretation into Vietnamese prior to being submitted.

Except for conditional investments and business lines, Vietnam law does not mandate a minimum capital requirement for starting a business. Yet, financial backers are obliged to contribute capital as per the timetable expressed in the IRC and that the public authority has the privilege to demand the financial backer to make sense of the strategy agreeable to them in light of the proposed speculation capital. In the event that the financial backer can't contribute sufficient capital as per the serious time limit, the skilled authority might apply sanctions, including denial of the IRC or the financial backer needs to change the IRC to mirror the real commitment of venture. Once having the IRC, the financial backer then solicitation to get Endeavor Enlistment Endorsement (IRC) which requires 5 days from the date of accommodation of legitimate dossier for business foundation to finish the business setting up process.

Now that the company has established itself in Vietnam, it can officially sign a lease agreement, hire staff, and engage in business transactions to purchase or sell goods or services. The documents must be signed and sealed to be legally binding.

Then the question is how to have a seal?

When an organization was managed by the Public Security authority, it was more difficult to have a seal created for it after it was established. Legislators and business experts have been discussing the possibility of completely removing the seal from legal documents in Vietnam because the signature of the legal representative is the most crucial element. The law governing the issuance of seals has become less strict over time. However, in Vietnam, the seal is still very important because it shows the official notice, such as the decision by the business's legal representative to end a labor contract, along with the signature of the representative. or on the other hand a conspicuous endorsement of a substance to an exchange it enters to enlist a development organization for building a plant. Contingent upon the terms in the organization's contract, the financial backer has the privilege to make more than one seal to utilize. Before using, altering, destroying, or altering the number of seals, the company must send a notice to the business registration office where its head office is located for publication on the National Business Registration Portal. The day the notification process is completed and the seal sample is uploaded to the National Business Registration Portal for verification, the seal can be used.

During the activity of the business in the wake of being begun, the financial backer requirements to focus on charge commitments, which is vital in many purviews besides in charge paradise nations. However, Vietnam is not included on the exemption list. Every business is required to provide a tax declaration. Consistently, the business should pay various charges and expenses, for example, permit charges (in view of enlisted sanction capital); When a company earns a profit, it must pay Corporate Income Tax (CIT); announce and cover Worth Added Expense (Tank) for sold labor and products, for individual proclaim and settle Individual Annual Duty (PIT), or at times send out assessment and import charge, charge on lands.

The investment project reporting regime must also be fully adhered to by foreign investors in accordance with the law. These reports will be issued on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, or annually) regarding topics such as: carried out venture capital, business speculation results, data on work, utilized unfamiliar laborers, investigates natural insurance… Agreeing with the execution of expense installment commitments and intermittently answering to guarantee ideal execution as endorsed will assist the organization with staying away from superfluous dangers, for example, managerial authorizations, business suspension, punishments that could affect the business.

ANT Lawyers – a law firm in Vietnam will always follow up with authorities for legal update on matters relevant to investment registration or doing business in Vietnam.

Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 7, 2023

How to Establish Travel Services Business in Vietnam?

BY Tuan Nguyen IN , No comments

 How to Establish Travel Services Business in Vietnam?

Because passenger transportation is one of the investment areas subject to restrictions for foreign investors in Vietnam, a foreign investor can only form a joint venture with a travel agency in Vietnam to establish a travel services business there.

How to Establish Travel Services Business in Vietnam?

It is impossible to deny the significant impact that information technology has had on the travel services industry. The utilization of booking reservation framework application on cell phone and web are inescapable that make travel has never been more straightforward. The travel services market would be interesting for a foreign investor to explore. Nonetheless, 100 % foreign owned company is not allowed  to set-up travel services business in Vietnam. Due to the conditionality of this investment area, a Vietnam-based law firm should be consulted to ensure compliance with local regulations.

The application process and documents requirements to establish travel business in Vietnam are briefly

1.Required documents to establish travel business in Vietnam

-Application for the International Travel Business License (form);

-Certificate of business registration (copy – certified)

-Business plan for the international travel agency;

-Tour schedule

-Proof of at least 4 years of experience in international travel business operations

-Certified copies of the tourist guides’ cards whereby at least 3 international tourist guides are required

-Confirmation of bank deposit (as per regulations);

-Proof of offi

2. Business License Application Procedure to establish business in Vietnam

-Submitting the required documents to the appropriate authority (the province or city's Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism).

-Within 10 working days of receiving a valid application, the province or city's Department of Tourism completes the appraisal records and sends a written request along with the agency's records to Vietnam's Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism. At the point when cases are not qualified for the proposed grant to the state organizations, the commonplace the travel industry office will refer to the particular purposes behind refusal.

Within ten working days of receiving the file and written request from the state agency of tourism in the province, the international travel business must be reviewed and licensed by the state management agency of tourism (VNAT – Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism). In the event of refusal, the service will express the particular motivations to the state and commonplace the travel industry specialists.

3. Number of records

-Submission to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism: 01

– Tourism Authority Filed in: 01

ANT Lawyers – a law firm in Vietnam will always follow up with authorities for legal update on matters relevant to investment registration or business registering in Vietnam.

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 6, 2023

Vietnam is an attractive destination for startups

BY Tuan Nguyen IN , No comments

According to Bloomberg, Vietnam is an attractive destination for startups in 2023

The international press reported that Vietnam's economy has been struggling domestically and internationally in 2023. However, there are still encouraging signs regarding the economy's potential for growth. In the meantime, Vietnam is also focusing on long-term economic growth to encourage startups to start businesses, invest, and do business in Vietnam.

Vietnam is an attractive destination for startups

As the boom period of reopening following COVID-19 comes to an end in 2023, the economy is returning to a long-term growth trajectory. Vietnam wants to spend 7% of GDP on infrastructure this year to support economic growth and ensure that FDI will continue to flow into the country for years to come.

In the future, Vietnam's economy is being strengthened by foreign direct investment. Vietnam is an ideal location for tourists and foreign investors to set up company in Vietnam due to its favorable business climate, stable political environment, sustainable macroeconomic development, abundant labor force, and low cost.

According to experts, the situation is very bad all over the world, but Vietnam has been recovering and getting back on track with its development. There will still be obstacles, such as the possibility of a recession and global protectionism, which reduces export demand. However, there will still be many advantages, and foreign investment, investment in human resources, and infrastructure, will drive growth in a variety of ways. In addition, the recovery of consumer and business confidence is expanding rapidly. Domestic demand has returned to normal.

According to Bloomberg, Vietnam is a desirable location for startups due to its abundance of skilled engineers, low labor costs, and rapidly expanding economy. By 2030, Vietnam wants to make Ho Chi Minh City a "magnet" for technology investments and a digital economy.

Vietnam is now a major hub for manufacturing and a crucial link in the global supply chain. As a result, increasing automation is crucial for economies and businesses. One of the primary drivers is the rapid improvement in labor productivity and digitization of the value chain. Vietnam's economy has great potential for rapid growth and digital transformation across all sectors.

Concerning the factors that ensure Vietnam's growth, there is a consensus. These elements incorporate speeding up primary and institutional changes, profoundly taking part in new-age economic alliances, improving unfamiliar speculation fascination, speeding up computerized financial change, and profound mixing into the worldwide store network.